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Child Struggling Academically in School: Solution for Parents

Child Struggling Academically in School: Solution for Parents

Does your child seem to be having difficulty in school, or do you see that they are not motivated to study or pay attention in class? There are chances that they could be caught up in a vicious cycle of procrastination and “fear”. Kids face several transformations and challenges in various domains, impacting their learning and interpersonal relationships. 

If you don’t know, personality and child development are tightly related. If your child faces difficulties at school, it can be a lot to bear. Recognising and addressing the root causes of your child’s troubles is the best way to support them. 

Here, we’ll be providing solutions on how to assist your children, keep reading!

Understand the learning challenges that your child faces

Prioritise understanding the cause of your child’s difficulties. Take note of your child’s behaviour, speak with their teachers, and look for any hidden problems that could be impeding their education. It can be due to a learning disability like dyslexia, boredom, bad study techniques, or a toxic household. You can only identify the best solution by understanding the underlying reason.

Decide on a homework schedule

Children who struggle academically can benefit immensely from routines that are consistent. Set a dedicated space in your home for studying that is calm and distraction-free. Give your kids a regular homework routine and support them in adhering to it. You can even divide up the work into doable portions and provide assistance as required without taking control. A regular schedule might aid in lowering tension and enhancing concentration.

Talk to your child’s teachers

To understand the importance of childhood development of your kid and to take care of any problems as soon as they arise, stay in contact with their teachers. Together, you can determine how to support your child’s improvement by getting their input on how they performed.

Emotional support is important

A child’s self-esteem can suffer as a result of academic challenges. Make sure you offer encouragement and emotional support. Pay attention to their work rather than just their grades. Honour little accomplishments and reassure them that failures are a natural part of the learning process. Emphasising the value of resilience will help cultivate emotional intelligence and growth in mentality.

Promote wellness and exercise

A sound mind is supported by a sound body. Prioritise healthy eating, enough sleep, and frequent exercise for happy and healthy kids. Engaging in physical exercise has the potential to boost mood, remove stress, and enhance cognitive abilities and physical development—all of which are linked to improved academic achievement.

Try  a tutor

If your child requires extra help with their studies, you should think about tutoring them. By giving your child individualised attention, a tutor can assist them in overcoming their academic challenges. Investigate internet-based tools that can enhance your child’s education, like educational applications.

Learning can be enjoyable

Make learning fun to help your youngster build a positive attitude towards it. Encourage them to pursue their interests and pastimes, as this will result in better academic achievement. Take part in instructional activities, attend workshops, or visit museums. Introduce them to digital learning. Demonstrate to them that learning is enjoyable and fulfilling outside of the classroom too.

Look for alternative

Look into alternate forms of education; not all kids are best served by traditional classroom settings. Try homeschooling your child or getting them enrolled in a specialty school if they are not succeeding in traditional classroom settings. These choices can better meet the needs of your child and offer a more individualised approach to education.

Be patient

It takes perseverance and patience to improve academic achievement. Refrain from putting too much pressure on your child or anticipating quick fixes. Remain dedicated to offering constant assistance and motivation. Honour every step forward, no matter how tiny, and never lose hope in their ability to succeed.

Final words

If your child is failing in school, you must offer them the necessary assistance and tools to help them succeed. Understand your child’s learning issues, encourage and motivate them, interact with their teachers, try tutoring, and look into alternate schooling possibilities. With Joonify, you can get detailed assessment reports for your kid, which can help you analyze better and encourage your child accordingly for a better future. 

Always remember that each child learns differently, and it may take some trial and error to determine the ideal method for your child. With patience, effort, and a good attitude, you may assist your child in overcoming scholastic obstacles and reaching their full potential.


  • Archhana Agarwaal

    Archhana Agarwaal is an enterprising Indian entrepreneur, edtech evangelist, and an passionate individual who believes in pursuing her passion. As the Co-founder and CEO of Joonify, she's dedicated to empowering the next generation, reshaping early learning, and making a lasting impact on the lives children.

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