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7 Tips To Build Self-Esteem from a Young Age

7 Tips To Build Self-Esteem from a Young Age

When your child opens their sparkling eyes and looks at the world, they see things in their special way. Even before they start uttering the gibberish, they learn that playing brings them joy, and crying gets them comforting hugs and kisses.

Kids are always discovering and picking up new life skills through activities, but it’s important for them to feel confident about using these abilities.

As children grow up they learn, unlearn, fail, and succeed, and just like us our children also go through difficult situations at times, and these situations may have an ill effect on them.

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem is all about how we see and think about ourselves for example “Am I loved”, or “Am I Worthy”. It is formed from our thoughts and beliefs, and sometimes, it can be tough to shift those feelings. 

Signs your child is suffering from low self-esteem 

  • Issues in communicating with others
  • Fearing any new situation
  • Frustration with little things 
  • Negative statements about oneself 
  • Problem with making new friends
  • Behavioral issues such as aggressive behavior, isolation, and procrastination  

7 tips for parents to raise self-esteem in kids

1. Make sure your child knows that you love them unconditionally

Showing unconditional love to your child is important for a good relationship between parents and kids. You need to let them know you love them no matter what, using both words and actions.

For instance, when your child does something wrong or underperforms in a test, it’s important to handle it calmly and tell them they’re not a bad kid, but there’s always room for improvement. This way, they understand that your love for them doesn’t change, even when they make mistakes.

2. Don’t compare your kids to other kids

Every child is special in their way. They have unique strengths, weaknesses, and individual characteristics. If your child performs well in art but struggles with science, abstain from comparing their science skills to those of other children. 

Instead, emphasize and celebrate their artistic achievement and avoid making comparisons that can lead to unnecessary pressure and hinder their self-esteem. One should accept and celebrate their child’s distinct qualities, and encourage them to grow and develop at their own pace. 

3. Acknowledge their efforts and not the outcome

Kids are always learning and getting better at different things, they might sometimes do well, make progress, or face challenges. By recognizing and praising their efforts, regardless of the outcome, we can reinforce a mindset that values hard work and perseverance which is important in their early childhood development

For example, if your child is working on a science project, instead of only focusing on the final grades, parents should acknowledge the time and effort the child has put into researching, planning, and making the project. 

Phrases like “I appreciate how much effort you have put into this, good job!” stress the importance of the process rather than just the outcome. This approach helps to build self-esteem, resilience, and a healthy attitude toward challenges.

4. Set realistic and achievable goals for your children

To raise self-esteem in kids it’s crucial to set realistic goals for them. If a goal seems tough, help them break it into smaller steps. This way, they can see how far they’ve come and feel good about it. Make sure they have what they need, like books or tools, and give them enough time to complete the task. This helps them feel proud of what they’ve done. 

5. Promote their interest 

Children feel confident and happy when they do what they find interesting so it’s important to spend time observing and knowing what your kids enjoy doing. It doesn’t matter what their area of interest is when parents actively promote their children’s interests, it not only helps kids complete tasks but also gives kids a sense of accomplishment.

For instance, if your child shows an interest in playing guitar, provide them with a guitar, enroll them in music classes, and spend quality time with them. 

6. Give kids a chance to help with house chores

When kids help out with tasks, they experience this awesome feeling of accomplishing something and being proud of what they can do. This positive feeling is necessary for building a healthy self-image.

You can politely ask them to help you set the table for dinner, tidy their room, or assist you in stacking the refrigerator. As they complete these tasks, praise them with phrases like “Good job!” or “You’re a responsible kid.” Expressing sentiments such as “I am proud of you” will make them feel worthy and boost their self-esteem.

7. Promote Social Connections

Kids need to have friends and be part of a group because it makes them feel accepted, and valued. When they are part of a group, they feel important, and having friends helps them handle tough times better. 

When friends say nice things and support them, it makes kids feel good about themselves. This also helps them get better at talking with others and working together. 


Building self-esteem in kids from a young age is like giving them a superpower for life. When children believe in themselves, it helps them handle challenges, feel good about who they are, and be confident in trying new things. 

Parents and caretakers play a pivotal role in raising a child’s self-esteem, and being aware of their unique qualities and interests is crucial. Sometimes, it can be challenging to understand your child’s aspirations. But worry not, Joonify is here to assist you.

As India’s 1st Talent Assessment platform for kids, Joonify provides a comprehensive 16-page analysis report. This report evaluates your child across various dimensions such as learning paths, unique talents, and personal traits. This in-depth assessment ensures that you gain valuable insights into your child’s strengths and interests.


  • Archhana Agarwaal

    Archhana Agarwaal is an enterprising Indian entrepreneur, edtech evangelist, and an passionate individual who believes in pursuing her passion. As the Co-founder and CEO of Joonify, she's dedicated to empowering the next generation, reshaping early learning, and making a lasting impact on the lives children.

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